SolForge Wiki

Ironbeard is a brilliant tactician and strategist whose only concerns are for defending Anvillon and the Solforge. The Steel Collective general and Forgeborn is usually seen donning his Cypien armor and wielding his signature hammer Anvilbreaker.


Ironbeard, Hammer of Anvillon is part of the cycle of original Forgeborn from Set 2.



Gangen Ironbeard was born to lead.

In the Alloyin city of Anvillon, children are subjected to a series of tests to determine their aptitudes. These tests determine to which Academy they will be sent to train for their role in society. Gangen’s father, Thendrin, was a legendary hero of his people. He had fought countless battles in defense of the city, against both Tempys raiding parties and darker forces.

Thendrin had devoted his life to protecting Anvillon, and had never been joined to another in marriage. But as he grew old and felt his life force weakening, he knew that he had to continue his line for the sake of the city. He found an appropriate mate, one of the head oracles from the Silver Tower. She was strong of body and of mind, and did not wish for him to dote upon her, for she had her own tasks to attend to.

Thendrin died before his son was born. He stood before the gates of Anvillon as a horde of dark creatures descended upon the city. His armor was strong, but his body had grown weak. He did not retreat, and his last stand bought his brethren time to muster an army to defend the city. He died a hero, and he died knowing he would have a son to carry on his legacy.

Gangen came into the world just a month later. From an early age, he showed incredible aptitude for strategy and tactics. He never lost a war simulation game to any of the other children – nor to any of the adults who were willing to play him. When he took the admission tests for the Academy, his results were off the charts. He had higher scores in every category than any Iron Tower applicant before him. Even his father.

The Generals of the Iron Tower showed him no favoritism for being his father’s son. Indeed, they asked more of him than of any of the other students. And he always delivered. He rose through the ranks faster than any ever had before him, leading expeditions into the wastes over a year before his peers who joined the Academy of War in his class.

When he completed his studies, Gangen was the youngest General in the recorded history of the Iron Tower. There were those who whispered that he ought to be Grand General, so keenly could he see a battlefield and predict the movements of an enemy.

Those whispers must have reached the ears of Grand General Dalrek, Gangen thought, because he found himself dispatched on patrols further and further from Anvillon. At the time, he thought nothing of it. He cared little for pride or jealousy, and would serve his duty to his city wherever it might take him.

He knew not how far that would be, nor the cost.

There is little known about Gangen’s last journey as a General of the Iron Tower, at least officially. All records of it have been destroyed. He had led his patrol far from Anvillon, into the frozen wastes near Tempys lands. There, as they traversed a deep crevasse, they were beset upon by creatures of darkness. His entire patrol was slain, and Gangen was left for dead, frozen in the ice.

And there he would have remained, perhaps forever, if he had not been found by a scout from the Tempys clans. The scout dragged the General, encased in ice, to his Khan, hoping for a reward for capturing Alloyin scum.

But the new Khan was not like the old Khan in his ways. Korok saw Gangen’s frozen body in the block of ice and immediately felt a connection with him. Though their factions were enemies, there was a kinship here, and Korok knew he had to take the fallen Alloyin with him to the SolForge itself.

The Elders saw what Korok had felt. Gangen was one of them.

The SolForge breathed life back into him. His armor, broken and battered, was made anew.

When he returned to his homeland, he was General Gangen of the Iron Tower no more. He was Ironbeard, Hammer of Anvillon. And he was Forgeborn.


Stats prior to the Set 5 release.

  • Attack3/Health7
  • Attack6/Health11
  • Attack10/Health17
  • Attack15/Health25